So, let's see the steps to save TikTok without the watermark shortcut method of converting TikTok videos to Live Photos. With this "Live Photo" saving built-in feature of the TikTok app, you can get video owners' signatures or ID-free video on your iOS device. Method 2: How to save TikTok without watermark on iOS via the "Live Photo" option If you are an Apple user, try the following method. Step 4: The watermark-free videos will be saved as Live Wallpaper in the gallery of the TikTok plugin. Step 3: You will be directed to download the video as a wallpaper plugin from Google Play. Next, select the "Live Wallpaper" option. Step 2: Select the "Three dots" sign on the video's right corner. Step 1: Open the TikTok app on your Android device to select the video for downloading without a watermark as "Live Wallpaper." However, you can use the other built-in TikTok feature "Live Wallpaper" saving option on your Android 12 version, to get the video owner's sign-free TikTok video. While using TikTok's "Save Video" option, you cannot get a watermark-free video for your offline watch. Method 1: How to download TikTok video without watermark on Android with the "Live Wallpaper" option So, to enjoy your favorite TikTok world without a watermark or restriction, here you go with the five methods of how to save TikTok without watermark 2022 best tools. However, with this option, you can neither save private nor watermark-free videos. While comprehending your compulsion to enjoy TikTok videos in your offline world, it allows you the "Save Video" option. With the immeasurable popularity and rapidly changing trend of the TikTok world, you want to make your favorite TikTok offline library for later repetitive enjoyment.

Method 3: How to download TikTok without watermark on Android/iOS via Cropping.Method 2: How to save TikTok without watermark on iOS via the "Live Photo" option.Method 1: How to download TikTok video without watermark on Android with the "Live Wallpaper" option.